feather floating in sky for article on breath by Dr Anne Malatt

Self-care programme 2022: 2. Breathe


Welcome to Day 2 of 2022 and the opportunity to bring more love to your body and your life through the simple daily practise of self-care.

Today is a moment to breathe.

Practising self-care is not a time-consuming chore, but a way of being with yourself that cherishes the precious body that you have and the beautiful being it enhouses … so enjoy the process of developing this practice! It will revitalise you and bring a sense of lightness and joy to your body and being that you may not have felt for a while.

This year we are offering the space to (re)learn tools that take little time or effort, that don’t require you to go anywhere or do anything new, but which enrich the quality of the life you already live.

Each day for seven days we will offer a short introduction, some questions to reflect on, a short audio to listen to and an article to read… a few minutes of your day for just a week, which may well change the way you feel about yourself and life and ignite you for the year to come.

1. Stop

2. Breathe

We breathe all the time, in and out, day and night, day after day. It is a requisite of human life.

But no-one teaches us how to breathe, and that there is a quality of breath to breathe.

Bring yourself to a stop and sit down for a moment.

Close your eyes gently.

Bring your awareness to the tip of your nose and breathe in gently, as gently as if there was a feather on the tip of your nose and you did not want to disturb it.

Feel your breath as it enters the nose as you breathe in, and as it leaves the nose as you breathe out.

Feel that it enters the nose slightly higher up, and slightly cool, and it leaves the nose lower down and warmer, as it has been warmed by the warmth of you.

Hold your awareness at the tip of the nose and the quality of your breath as you breathe gently, in and out.

Keep breathing.

Repeat all day long.

If you lose this quality, come back to a stop, sit, close your eyes and breathe.

Repeat for the rest of the day.


Audio to listen to: A moment to breathe


Could you feel the difference in your body after just a few moments of breathing gently?

How long were you able to hold it?

Could you bring yourself back if you just stopped, closed your eyes and breathed again?


Article to read: Breathe your own breath


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