Dr Anne Malatt

Anne has been a doctor for 40 years and an eye surgeon for over 30 years. She loves her work, her patients, teaching and writing, for she loves people and life. Anne feels great joy in being able to share her lived experience and wisdom, that other people may learn and grow and return to being the All that we all are.
red rose heart for article by Dr Anne Malatt on love and loss

When we lose someone we love

We don’t talk about it in Medicine much, when we lose someone we love. Doctors are no strangers to death and as part of our training, we are taught to toughen up, take things in our stride and become seemingly inured to death.
sleeping baby in stripes for article by Dr Anne Malatt

Self-care programme 2022: 7. Sleep

Welcome to Day 7 of 2022 and the opportunity to bring more love to your body and your life through the simple daily practice of self-care. Today is a moment to sleep.
glass of water for article on self-care by Dr Anne Malatt

Self-care programme 2022: 6. Drink

Welcome to Day 6 of 2022 and the opportunity to bring more love to your body and your life through the simple daily practice of self-care. Today is a moment on drink.
food for blog Self-care programme 2022: 5. Eat by Dr Anne Malatt

Self-care programme 2022: 5. Eat

Welcome to 2022 and the opportunity to bring more love to your body and your life through the simple daily practice of self-care. Today is a moment to eat ... But what, and why?
walking into sunset for article on moving/walking by Dr Anne Malatt

Self-care programme 2022: 4. Move

Welcome to Day 4 of 2022 and the opportunity to bring more love to your body and your life through the simple daily practise of self-care. Today is a moment to move.
baby in their body for article on be in the body by Dr Anne Malatt

Self-care programme 2022: 3. Be in your body

Welcome to Day 3 of 2022 and the opportunity to bring more love to your body and your life through the simple daily practise of self-care. Today is a moment to be in your body.
feather floating in sky for article on breath by Dr Anne Malatt

Self-care programme 2022: 2. Breathe

Welcome to Day 2 of 2022 and the opportunity to bring more love to your body and your life through the simple daily practise of self-care. Today is a moment to breathe.
stop sign for article on Self-care programme 2022: 1. Stop by Dr Anne Malatt

Self-care programme 2022: 1. Stop

Welcome to 2022 and the opportunity to bring more love to your body and your life through the simple daily practise of self-care. It starts with a stop.
Nirmanakaya sky for article on New Year's resolutions by Dr Anne Malatt

The year in review – letting go of new year’s resolutions

As this year draws to a close, it may be tempting to review the year through the lens of regret and make (another set of) new year’s resolutions, but what if there were another way of looking at this time of year, that comes around, every year.
Photo of The Pill for article on The Pill by Dr Anne Malatt

The Pill

Of all the many drugs on the market, there is only one pill known as ‘The Pill’. The Pill is a combination of synthetic female hormones – oestrogen and progesterone – used to mimic pregnancy and suppress female ovulation and thereby fertility, reducing the chance of unwanted pregnancy.

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