Dr Anne Malatt

Anne has been a doctor for 40 years and an eye surgeon for over 30 years. She loves her work, her patients, teaching and writing, for she loves people and life. Anne feels great joy in being able to share her lived experience and wisdom, that other people may learn and grow and return to being the All that we all are.
close up of sunflower for article Doctors by design by Dr Anne Malatt

Doctors by design

We all have stories about how we came to be doctors … but have we ever stopped to consider that we may be doctors by design? That our path may be prepared for us and that there is a plan for us that unfolds, sometimes in spite of our ‘selves’ rather than because of us?
Man looking in blind spot mirror for article on blind spots by Dr Anne Malatt

Blind spots

We all have blind spots in our fields of vision, that can be mapped. This is a known fact in Medicine. What is not so well known or accepted is that we as doctors also have blind spots, not just in our visual fields but in our perceptions of life, that are influenced by our beliefs and ideals.
Doctor sitting by patient's bedside

Sitting is satisfying, for doctors and for patients

I recently read an article (1) suggesting that sitting is satisfying, for doctors and for patients. The article stated that: “Sitting at a patient's...
Vanishing point Alan Johnston 25.09.23 for article by Dr Anne Malatt on Illness

Illness is an offering, not a punishment

I am currently ill, and far from feeling frustrated or upset about it, I see this illness is an offering, not a punishment.
To the light by Alan Johnston for article by Dr Anne Malatt on LIfe as a country doctor

Life as a country doctor

I attended a function last night in the town where I live and work, at which we hosted our young doctors and talked to...
Radiant source by Alan Johnston for article by Dr Anne Malatt on 'When Medicine is a Calling'

When Medicine is a ‘Calling’

What do we mean when we say that medicine is a ‘calling’? And what implications does that have for the way we practice medicine and the way we live our lives?
If music be the food of love play on - calligraphy image for article on music by Dr Anne Malatt

If music be the food of love, play on!

The thing I have come to learn about music is that it is first and foremost a vibration, that is felt in the body. We think we are listening to something with our ears, and we are, but we are primarily resonating with the vibration of it and it can literally change the way we feel.
Photo of two trees for article on Mentoring by Dr Anne Malatt

The Art of Mentoring

Medicine is an apprenticeship system and like all such systems, works best if the masters train their apprentices not just in a functional way, but with a deep level of care, as people and as colleagues. We now call this process mentoring.
relationships and medicine

Relationships and medicine

Medicine is all about relationships. It is about caring for people, after all. So why do we place so little focus on this vital element of our profession?
Profile of woman smoking for article by Dr Anne Malatt on Why do doctors smoke?

Why do doctors smoke?

We all know the harms of smoking and in fact there is nothing healing about it, so why do doctors smoke?

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