Tag: selfcare

If music be the food of love play on - calligraphy image for article on music by Dr Anne Malatt

If music be the food of love, play on!

The thing I have come to learn about music is that it is first and foremost a vibration, that is felt in the body. We think we are listening to something with our ears, and we are, but we are primarily resonating with the vibration of it and it can literally change the way we feel.
glass of water for article on self-care by Dr Anne Malatt

Self-care programme 2022: 6. Drink

Welcome to Day 6 of 2022 and the opportunity to bring more love to your body and your life through the simple daily practice of self-care. Today is a moment on drink.

Physician Heal Thyself: What Medical Training and the Body have taught...

While it would be nice to pretend otherwise, I did not embark on a career in medicine for altruistic reasons, to earn a good...
image of washing hands for article on Coronavirus by Dr Anne Malatt

Coronavirus: isolate physically, but don’t socially isolate 

We are in the midst of a coronavirus pandemic, and being told to socially isolate if we have travelled overseas recently, been in contact...
Photo of red rose for article by Dr Anne Malatt on Why Bring Love into Medicine?

Why bring love into medicine?

The words love and medicine are rarely used in the same sentence. Not many people say they love taking their medicine. Not many doctors...
Photo of Dr Michael Myers for article by Dr Michael Myers on physician suicide awareness day

The Key to Orienting Incoming Residents and Fellows

I recently had a chance to speak to State University of New York (SUNY) Downstate’s incoming residents and fellows about well-being and self-care. These women...
Image of space for article by Dr Anne Malatt 'Are you trapped in time or surrendered to space?'

Are you trapped in time, or surrendered to space?

I used to live life ruled by time. I was not a very obedient subject, and was always running late, but it ruled me,...

What is the purpose of exercise?

We all lead very busy lives. We think there are not enough hours in the day to do all the things we need to...

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