Tag: mental health

Photo of Dr Michael Myers for article by Dr Michael Myers

National Physician Suicide Awareness Day 2021: With Gratitude to the Feists

A beautiful blog by Dr Michael Myers, on the recent National Physician Suicide Awareness Day and the great work being done by Jennifer and Corey Feist, founders of the Dr Lorna Breen Heroes Foundation, one of the missions of which is “We envision a world where seeking mental health services is universally viewed as a sign of strength for health care professionals.”.
isolated-image for RUOK Day

R U OK? Day

This year, 9 September is R U OK? Day. This is an Australian initiative that was developed in 2009 by a man whose father was not OK and died by suicide.
Photo of Dr Michael Myers for article by Dr Michael Myers

A Tip of the Hat to Medical School Applicants: Chipping Away...

One dimension of my daily work that I really enjoy is interviewing applicants to medical school. I’m often tasked with interviewing a specific group of applicants, the ones who openly write that they have suffered from mental health symptoms in the past.
Photo of Dr Michael Myers for article by Dr Michael Myers

CrazySocks4Docs, COVID-19, and Hope

The Twitter phenomenon #CrazySocks4Docs was created by Melbourne, Australia cardiologist Dr. Geoff Toogood, who speaks and writes openly about his lived experience with anxiety and depression. CrazySocks4Docs Day is...
photo of Dr John Budin for article by Dr John Budin on Mental Health Stigma Amongst Doctors

The antidote to mental health stigma amongst doctors: humanity

Mental health stigma amongst doctors I grew up watching Superman. Impressive guy … leaping tall buildings and all that. Just the kinda thing a young kid wants to do. Fast...

World Mental Health Day – true health is for everyone, every day

It was recently (10/10) World Mental Health Day. This is a great initiative, and to be celebrated for raising our awareness of things that need to be at the...
Dark clouds with a crack of light showing through, symbolising depression


The reported levels of depression amongst medical students and doctors are alarming. The Beyond Blue study of doctors’ mental health (1) has shown that 3.4% of doctors surveyed have very...

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