Tag: medicine

Man looking in blind spot mirror for article on blind spots by Dr Anne Malatt

Blind spots

We all have blind spots in our fields of vision, that can be mapped. This is a known fact in Medicine. What is not so well known or accepted is that we as doctors also have blind spots, not just in our visual fields but in our perceptions of life, that are influenced by our beliefs and ideals.
To the light by Alan Johnston for article by Dr Anne Malatt on LIfe as a country doctor

Life as a country doctor

I attended a function last night in the town where I live and work, at which we hosted our young doctors and talked to them about life as a...
Radiant source by Alan Johnston for article by Dr Anne Malatt on 'When Medicine is a Calling'

When Medicine is a ‘Calling’

What do we mean when we say that medicine is a ‘calling’? And what implications does that have for the way we practice medicine and the way we live our lives?
Photo of two trees for article on Mentoring by Dr Anne Malatt

The Art of Mentoring

Medicine is an apprenticeship system and like all such systems, works best if the masters train their apprentices not just in a functional way, but with a deep level of care, as people and as colleagues. We now call this process mentoring.
relationships and medicine

Relationships and medicine

Medicine is all about relationships. It is about caring for people, after all. So why do we place so little focus on this vital element of our profession?
Photo of Dr Michael Myers for article by Dr Michael Myers

A Tip of the Hat to Medical School Applicants: Chipping Away...

One dimension of my daily work that I really enjoy is interviewing applicants to medical school. I’m often tasked with interviewing a specific group of applicants, the ones who openly write that they have suffered from mental health symptoms in the past.
Picture of human heart by Leonardo da Vinci for article by Dr Fiona Williams on Heart-centred Medicine

Heart-Centred Medicine: A Return to Ancient Wisdom

Would a return to an ‘innermost’ way of life, a heart-centred intelligence and awareness, be something we as physicians, could consider?
Photo of pink rose for article by 'A Doctor's' Wife'

Diary of a Doctor’s Wife

These moments have taught me to become adaptable and go with the flow. My own solid rhythm is paramount these days, otherwise disappointment and frustration come knocking. Trust me, I have tried to control it and wanted it to be another way and it doesn’t work.

Anxiety in the body – Anxiety in Medicine; Deconstructing our ‘Normal’

Let’s be honest, as doctors and health professionals we learn to live with anxiety in the body. Not all at once perhaps, but by degrees.
Photo of lighthouse for article by a doctor's wife called Lighthouse


We are each and every one of us a lighthouse, designed to shine bright and light the way for others. It is for us to let that light out and shine in full, reminding everyone we meet that they too are that light, for this light lives inside us all, and we are all here to shine and light the way home together.

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