Tag: health
A Wellbeing Charter for Doctors
The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) in conjunction with several other medical colleges and more to come, has just released a Wellbeing Charter for Doctors. This is a great first step in acknowledging the importance of self-care in healthcare professionals and the need for this care to be a shared responsibility for all of us.
R U OK? Day
This year, 9 September is R U OK? Day. This is an Australian initiative that was developed in 2009 by a man whose father was not OK and died by suicide.
Spring Cleaning You
Spring is such a beautiful time of the year. So why not take the time to love ourselves, inside and out, and refresh the way we feel about ourselves and life?
Mindfulness and Conscious Presence
We hear the word ‘mindfulness’ mentioned a lot these days, but what is it? How do you do it? And what does it do for you?
Personal sustainability
We hear a lot about sustainability these days in terms of the economy, the environment, and society, but what is personal sustainability when it comes to us, the people who make up that society and determine what sustainability is?
Self-care Moments: Living in cycles
Hi, this is Anne Malatt with self-care moments and this is a moment on living in cycles.
We think that we live a day in a linear way and move from one day to the next, leaving each one behind us as we go.
In truth, we live in cycles. We live one day, over and over again, and everything comes with us as we go around and around the sun.
Self-care moments: A moment with tension
Hi this is Anne Malatt with self-care moments, and this is a moment on tension.Tension is an inescapable part of human life. We are subject to forces of tension all the time ... so how do we deal with tension?
Self-care moments: Working
We spend around a third of our days and most of our waking hours working, getting ready for work and travelling to and from work … how do we feel about work and in what quality do we spend that time?
Self-care moments: Taking a break
Taking a break is not a time to escape from our bodies and our lives, but a time to enjoy being in our bodies even more deeply, and to appreciate ourselves, just for who we are.
Self-care moments: Conversation
Hi this is Anne Malatt with self-care moments and this is a moment on conversation. We spend a lot of our lives in conversation, talking to and about each other and life – what is the quality of that conversation and is this even something that we consider?