Tag: doctors

Xray of my big toe for article on Doctors' Health by Dr Anne Malatt

Doctors’ Health – attending to our own

I recently attended the national Australian Medical Association (AMA) conference, where the importance of doctors’ health was a major focus. Our current President, Dr Tony Bartone, spoke of it at...
Photo of Dr Michael Myers for article by Dr Michael Myers on physician suicide awareness day

The Magnitude of Lived Experience

This is a dispatch from Down Under. I’ve been here lecturing for the past couple of weeks on physician health and suicide prevention. On May 31, I was a...
Photo of sunset for article by Dr Anne Malatt on self-care for doctors as we age

How do we deal with the challenges of being a doctor...

Doctors spend a long time training to be doctors. It takes at least 10-15 years to complete our training, which means we are usually in our thirties, at least,...
Photo of lorikeet sipping nectar by Alan Johnston for article by Dr Anne Malatt on self-care

Self-care – not just another doing, but a quality of being

There is a lot of talk about self-care these days and we tend to picture it as something that we would like to do to reward ourselves or relieve...
photo of cow by Alan Johnston for article on post-traumatic stress by Dr Anne Malatt

Do doctors have post-traumatic stress from their training?

I woke early this morning, thinking about an article written by a young female surgeon (1) I had read recently, and I could not go back to sleep. I...
Photo of Dr Michael Myers for article by Dr Michael Myers on physician suicide awareness day

Courage in the Face of Heartbreaking Loss

After my plenary lecture at the International Practitioner Health Summit “The Wounded Healer” in London last October, I was invited to sit in on a bereavement group which was...

Fitting in – is it really worth it?

Have you ever considered how often you do things just to fit in, to go along with friends or family, even though you feel that fitting in is something...

Food is medicine, so why do doctors know so little about...

I am a doctor and everything I know about food that is worth knowing, I learnt somewhere other than medical school. We learn so much in medical school, but...

“Physician, heal thyself” does not mean treat yourself

 “Physician, heal thyself” The Bible, Luke 4.23 (King James Version). We as doctors are fond of treating ourselves, citing the old proverb, “Physician, heal thyself” as our justification. But ‘heal thyself’...
Ten Steps to Self-Care for doctors

Ten Steps to Self-Care

We hear a lot about self-care these days and think it is probably something we ought to do. We think it has to do with diet, exercise and rest, perhaps with the odd massage and glass of wine thrown in, but true self-care is much deeper than this. In truth, self-care requires a foundation of love and appreciation, for all of who we are.

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