Tag: depression

Photo of Dr Michael Myers for article by Dr Michael Myers

Invoking Caste: Why Physicians With Psychiatric Illness Are Shunned

American medicine has a checkered history in its welcoming of physicians who are black, women, physically disabled, LGBT, to name a few. As a specialist in physician health and a 50-year career of treating physicians,1 I would like to add another group that has struggled for acceptance—physicians who have suffered a psychiatric illness. I argue that caste may be the reason.
Photo of Dr Michael Myers for article by Dr Michael Myers

The Healing Power of Self-Disclosure in Physicians

As part of my clinical research on lived experience in physicians, I recently interviewed a retired California urologist, William Lynes, MD. Although we’ve never met in person, we’ve communicated...

Wounded healers

It’s a late Friday evening in New York and Dr Michael Myers is finishing up the paperwork for his last patient as he takes my call from Sydney. It’s...

Is exhaustion the beginning of depression?

I have struggled with depression in the past. I have been feeling tired at times lately, and have noticed that when I am very tired, old depressive thoughts can...
Dark clouds with a crack of light showing through, symbolising depression


The reported levels of depression amongst medical students and doctors are alarming. The Beyond Blue study of doctors’ mental health (1) has shown that 3.4% of doctors surveyed have very...

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