Dr Michael Myers

Michael was born in Canada and grew up always wanting to be a doctor. Only a few months into medical school, in the fall of 1962, his life was jarred by the suicide death of one of his 3 medical student room-mates. Bill's tragic death not only propelled him into psychiatry but also into becoming a specialist in physician health and a "doctors' doctor." He treated his first physician-patient on Christmas day 1970 and since then has cared for close to 1000 medical students and physicians. Now retired from private practice, he continues to teach medical students and residents about the many psychological and sociocultural aspects of medicine at SUNY Downstate Medical Center in Brooklyn, New York. Writing is his passion - some would say "addiction." Most of his books and scholarly works are for and about physicians and their families. He is very committed to recapturing and embracing the humanism of medicine. He can be reached via his website: www.michaelfmyers.com.
Photo of Dr Michael Myers for article by Dr Michael Myers

National Physician Suicide Awareness Day 2021: With Gratitude to the Feists

A beautiful blog by Dr Michael Myers, on the recent National Physician Suicide Awareness Day and the great work being done by Jennifer and Corey Feist, founders of the Dr Lorna Breen Heroes Foundation, one of the missions of which is “We envision a world where seeking mental health services is universally viewed as a sign of strength for health care professionals.”.
Photo of Dr Michael Myers for article by Dr Michael Myers

Invoking Caste: Why Physicians With Psychiatric Illness Are Shunned

American medicine has a checkered history in its welcoming of physicians who are black, women, physically disabled, LGBT, to name a few. As a specialist in physician health and a 50-year career of treating physicians,1 I would like to add another group that has struggled for acceptance—physicians who have suffered a psychiatric illness. I argue that caste may be the reason.
Photo of Dr Michael Myers for article by Dr Michael Myers

It Is Never Too Late

My name is Evan Haines*. I’m writing you because I believe my mother, who, sadly, committed suicide in 1989, was under your care. I remember your name, and that she always thought very highly of you.
Photo of Dr Michael Myers for article by Dr Michael Myers

How Well-Intentioned Advice Is Suppressing the Doctors of Tomorrow

Read this blog by renowned psychiatrist Dr Michael Myers on how well-intentioned advice is suppressing the doctors of tomorrow
Photo of Dr Michael Myers for article by Dr Michael Myers

A Tip of the Hat to Medical School Applicants: Chipping Away...

One dimension of my daily work that I really enjoy is interviewing applicants to medical school. I’m often tasked with interviewing a specific group of applicants, the ones who openly write that they have suffered from mental health symptoms in the past.
Photo of Dr Michael Myers for article by Dr Michael Myers

Dr. Michael Myers on Becoming a Doctors’ Doctor

In this podcast, Michael Myers, MD, and John Budin, MD, discuss Dr. Myers' recent book Becoming a Doctors' Doctor: A Memoir, as well as how the COVID-19 pandemic is helping medical professionals admit their vulnerabilities and steps clinicians can take when they have colleagues who may need professional help.  
Photo of Dr Michael Myers for article by Dr Michael Myers

Remembering Dr. Lorna Breen on National Physician Suicide Awareness Day

September 17, 2020, marked the third annual National Physician Suicide Awareness Day. This is a day to remember physicians who have taken their own lives.
Photo of Dr Michael Myers for article by Dr Michael Myers

Giving Physicians a Private Place to Turn

For several months, I have been following news about the Physician Support Line launched by Dr. Mona Masood, a Philadelphia psychiatrist (1,2). As a...
Photo of Dr Michael Myers for article by Dr Michael Myers

CrazySocks4Docs, COVID-19, and Hope

The Twitter phenomenon #CrazySocks4Docs was created by Melbourne, Australia cardiologist Dr. Geoff Toogood, who speaks and writes openly about his lived experience with anxiety...
Photo of Dr Michael Myers for article by Dr Michael Myers

The Healing Power of Self-Disclosure in Physicians

As part of my clinical research on lived experience in physicians, I recently interviewed a retired California urologist, William Lynes, MD. Although we’ve never...

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