Dr Anne Malatt

Anne has been a doctor for 40 years and an eye surgeon for over 30 years. She loves her work, her patients, teaching and writing, for she loves people and life. Anne feels great joy in being able to share her lived experience and wisdom, that other people may learn and grow and return to being the All that we all are.
Medical Training Should Come With A Health Warning

Medical training should come with a health warning

When I started my medical training, I was an innocent, fresh faced, healthy young woman, full of life and enthusiasm. I came out the other...
Doctor Anne Malatt

Why are doctors killing themselves?

Doctors are generally acknowledged to be intelligent. We are trained to care for the human body, and are considered the experts on it and...
Dark clouds with a crack of light showing through, symbolising depression


The reported levels of depression amongst medical students and doctors are alarming. The Beyond Blue study of doctors’ mental health (1) has shown that 3.4%...

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