Tag: psychiatry

Photo of Dr Michael Myers for article by Dr Michael Myers

Invoking Caste: Why Physicians With Psychiatric Illness Are Shunned

American medicine has a checkered history in its welcoming of physicians who are black, women, physically disabled, LGBT, to name a few. As a specialist in physician health and a 50-year career of treating physicians,1 I would like to add another group that has struggled for acceptance—physicians who have suffered a psychiatric illness. I argue that caste may be the reason.
Photo of Dr Michael Myers for article by Dr Michael Myers

Dr. Michael Myers on Becoming a Doctors’ Doctor

In this podcast, Michael Myers, MD, and John Budin, MD, discuss Dr. Myers' recent book Becoming a Doctors' Doctor: A Memoir, as well as how the COVID-19 pandemic is helping medical professionals admit their vulnerabilities and steps clinicians can take when they have colleagues who may need professional help.  
Photo of Dr Michael Myers for article by Dr Michael Myers

Giving Physicians a Private Place to Turn

For several months, I have been following news about the Physician Support Line launched by Dr. Mona Masood, a Philadelphia psychiatrist (1,2). As a longtime specialist in physician health,...

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