Tag: love

close up of sunflower for article Doctors by design by Dr Anne Malatt

Doctors by design

We all have stories about how we came to be doctors … but have we ever stopped to consider that we may be doctors by design? That our path may be prepared for us and that there is a plan for us that unfolds, sometimes in spite of our ‘selves’ rather than because of us?
If music be the food of love play on - calligraphy image for article on music by Dr Anne Malatt

If music be the food of love, play on!

The thing I have come to learn about music is that it is first and foremost a vibration, that is felt in the body. We think we are listening to something with our ears, and we are, but we are primarily resonating with the vibration of it and it can literally change the way we feel.
relationships and medicine

Relationships and medicine

Medicine is all about relationships. It is about caring for people, after all. So why do we place so little focus on this vital element of our profession?
Photo of magnolia for article on the ABC of Self-care by Dr Anne Malatt

The ABC of Self-care

We are familiar with the acronym ABC when it comes to CPR, but what is the ABC of Self-care? CPR is a dramatic event that is required when we...
Photo of pink rose for article by 'A Doctor's' Wife'

Coronavirus and contagion: what are we passing on?

My husband works as a doctor in a hospital so I am frequently reminded of the constant demand health professionals are under. On a normal day, doctors in the...
image of washing hands for article on Coronavirus by Dr Anne Malatt

Coronavirus: isolate physically, but don’t socially isolate 

We are in the midst of a coronavirus pandemic, and being told to socially isolate if we have travelled overseas recently, been in contact with anyone infected with the...
Photo of red rose for article by Dr Anne Malatt on Why Bring Love into Medicine?

Why bring love into medicine?

The words love and medicine are rarely used in the same sentence. Not many people say they love taking their medicine. Not many doctors say they love practising medicine....
Photo of reflection on water for article on by Dr Anne Malatt called Reflections on Christmas Day

Reflections on Christmas Day

It is the day after Christmas here in Australia and still Christmas Day elsewhere in the world. I love that I have friends in England, Ireland and America who...
Photo of Dr Eunice Minford for article 'Falling in and out of love with Medicine"

Falling in and out of love with medicine

I loved studying medicine as a medical student. I was so curious to know how the body worked – how this bit interacted with that bit, what was needed...

Simple tips for travelling light

Many of us travel at this time of the year, and whilst we love our holidays, we can find it stressful travelling to and from our holiday destinations, so...

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