Tag: doctors

close up of sunflower for article Doctors by design by Dr Anne Malatt

Doctors by design

We all have stories about how we came to be doctors … but have we ever stopped to consider that we may be doctors by design? That our path may be prepared for us and that there is a plan for us that unfolds, sometimes in spite of our ‘selves’ rather than because of us?
Profile of woman smoking for article by Dr Anne Malatt on Why do doctors smoke?

Why do doctors smoke?

We all know the harms of smoking and in fact there is nothing healing about it, so why do doctors smoke?
Making the choice – image for article on Making the Choice by A Doctor's Wife

Making the choice

My experience so far with medical specialist training programmes and making the choice about which one to do, reminds me of the journey Frodo takes in the Lord of the Rings movie.
AJ Held dawn 23 July 2021 for article by Dr Anne Malatt on a Wellbeing Charter for Doctors

A Wellbeing Charter for Doctors

The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) in conjunction with several other medical colleges and more to come, has just released a Wellbeing Charter for Doctors. This is a great first step in acknowledging the importance of self-care in healthcare professionals and the need for this care to be a shared responsibility for all of us.
photo of woman in mask for article on masks by Dr Fiona Williams

Masks: are you wearing one?

It’s 2020. The Year of the Mask. Whether you are a medical professional or not, you will have been asked to wear them, discern their worth, determine which type is best for you, consider their real purpose and deliberate on where you stand with respect to the health benefits they may offer you personally or the population as a whole.
Photo of lighthouse for article by a doctor's wife called Lighthouse


We are each and every one of us a lighthouse, designed to shine bright and light the way for others. It is for us to let that light out and shine in full, reminding everyone we meet that they too are that light, for this light lives inside us all, and we are all here to shine and light the way home together.
photo of Dr John Budin for article by Dr John Budin on Mental Health Stigma Amongst Doctors

The antidote to mental health stigma amongst doctors: humanity

Mental health stigma amongst doctors I grew up watching Superman. Impressive guy … leaping tall buildings and all that. Just the kinda thing a young...
Photo of pink rose for article by 'A Doctor's' Wife'

A Doctor’s Wife

I met a beautiful man several years ago and we fell in love instantly. He was not working as a doctor when we met...
Photo of Dr Michael Myers for article by Dr Michael Myers on physician suicide awareness day

The Key to Orienting Incoming Residents and Fellows

I recently had a chance to speak to State University of New York (SUNY) Downstate’s incoming residents and fellows about well-being and self-care. These women...
photo of error message for article by Dr Anne Malatt on "When Doctors Make Mistakes"

When doctors make mistakes

Doctors make mistakes. No-one really likes to admit it or think about it or talk about it, but it happens all the time. We are...

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