Tag: coronavirus

Photo of pink rose for article by 'A Doctor's' Wife'

Coronavirus and contagion: what are we passing on?

My husband works as a doctor in a hospital so I am frequently reminded of the constant demand health professionals are under. On a normal day, doctors in the...
Photo of Easter full moon by Alan Johnston for article by Dr Anne Malatt on Easter in the time of Coronavirus

Easter in the time of Coronavirus: the only way ‘out’ is...

Easter in the time of Coronavirus will be a very different Easter for most of us. As the world descends into chaos around us and we are asked to...
image of washing hands for article on Coronavirus by Dr Anne Malatt

Coronavirus: isolate physically, but don’t socially isolate 

We are in the midst of a coronavirus pandemic, and being told to socially isolate if we have travelled overseas recently, been in contact with anyone infected with the...

The Contagion of Fear – the Coronavirus Pandemic and Medicine

We are currently in the grip of a worldwide panic over COVID-19, or 2019-nCoV, the novel coronavirus pandemic. As I write, supermarkets are being stripped of essentials like toilet paper...

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