Medical Ethics

Medical ethics is a subject of increasing importance as medicine becomes more complex and costly, and it encompasses situations we are faced with and decisions we have to make every single day.

These decisions are not always about life and death, but they are all important and can affect the quality of life and relationships and care, of ourselves, each other and of our patients.

Medical ethics as currently taught focusses on reason and logic, and attempts to make scientific, objective sense of medical problems and human nature and human behaviour.

But we are imperfect and unpredictable beings who hold differing ideals, beliefs, cultural and religious values as well as simple personal opinions, which can influence the way we see and feel about life, including our medical care.

As doctors, it is up to us to live with integrity and responsibility, forever developing our understanding of ourselves and others. When we honestly reflect on our own values, beliefs and ideals and deal with our own personal biases and shortcomings, we are greater equipped for the difficult decisions we are sometimes called to make in our practice of medicine.

In essence, we are all the same at heart, and if we treat each other with the love and care we afford our loved ones, and that we would like for ourselves, we will go a long way to dealing with the challenges in medicine together.

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